Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On Cold Nights, Back Hoes and Plumbing

Last night as I drove home, I called K.

"Hey hon, you on your way home?"
"Yep, just passing the interstate," as I whiz down the road, oblivious to the snain (snain = a snow/rain combo).
"You got a plan for dinner?"
"Nope. It's snowing,"just noticing the snain.
"I know, it won't stick though. Chicken Tacos?"
"Oh, by the way, Erin, you can't park in the garage."
"WHAT? Why?" (It was supposed to freeze last night, and had a low of 24 - I was legitimately sad.)

"That was the only place they could park the back hoe."
"WHAT? Back hoe?!?!?"
"You know, the back hoe, to dig up the yard."
"They had to park it there? Tonight?"
"My poor car! Poor me, tomorrow morning, freezing!"
"You'll survive. You have a remote start, Erin."

"Oh right. Thanks for letting me know"

You may ask, "Erin, why will a back hoe be digging up your yard?"

We have a severe plumbing issue. A broken pipe... under the house.
They have to remove the back patio.
Dig up the plumbing.
Replace it.
Re-pour the patio.

I really feel for my landlords. I'm sure this is a totally unwelcome surprise right before the holidays. However they've been awesome and working with the contractors to get this done asap.

More on the fun process soon.

And the recipe for chicken tacos later tonight. 
 (They were good ... they used Franks AND Braggs AND our chili powder.)


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